MectaLIF Anterior product line will now offer a larger 30x40mm footprint, and the dedicated hyper-lordotic 20-degree cage option in each footprint, allowing surgeons to target any patient-specific abnormalities they may encounter. The addition of the 20-degree hyper-lordotic cages provides surgeons “minimally” invasive anterior surgical treatments with the chance to recover effective alignment between L4 and S1, where 70% of total lumbar lordosis is located.
The delivery of a two-level MectaLIF Anterior construct provides the ability to restore natural lumbar lordosis of 30 to 40 degrees and recover spino-pelvic harmony with an effective, less invasive and safe technique. This represents an alternative to traditional posterior sagittal plane deformity correction techniques normally suffering from severe complications.
Furthermore, the customizable modular anterior stand-alone implants in conjunction with the suite of
MectaLIF TiPEEK bioactive plasma-sprayed titanium coated cages, represents an added value to improved stability and enhanced fusion rates.
The exciting aspect of the MectaLIF Anterior Stand Alone release with expanded footprint and lordosis options, is that it gives surgeons flexibility to make intraoperative decisions based on patient anatomy and desired surgical outcomes, thus correcting the sagittal plane imbalance. All of these additions represent an important step for optimal patient care in the setting of spinal deformity correction.
Read more on MectaLIF Anterior